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Brainstorm how-to: So You Want To Make A Video?

Video Marketing/Messaging: Where Do I Focus My Attention When Making A Video?

Videos work! So how do you make it work for you?

As much as 80% of consumers watch a video to learn about a product before they buy while video significantly increase your Google visibility. Often this is consumed without sound. With the amount of video content being loaded in 2020 it could take you millions of years to view it all.

So how do you hit your mark instead of just throwing paint at the wall?

Ask yourself, which boxes are you trying to tick? What is the priority/audience/style/mood/duration?

· Educational - “how to” explainer video

· Informational - testimonial, opinion, updates

· Promotional - product or service with a call to action

· Documentary - usually a factual report in long(er) form

· Entertainment - music videos, wedding videos, holiday log

In the pre-production and planning stage, doing some basic fact finding should clarify the aims and objectives of your video production. Working alongside an experienced and professional video production company like BD Eye Media will make your journey smoother. Most videos end up being some sort of blend of the above while keeping clear on the key objectives.

Think of your project as overlapping circles of interest, while trying to hit the sweet spot somewhere along the intersections. And don’t forget to keep it short!

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